+44 7564 786919
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Corporate Social Responsibility

The Mews Energies Limited has accepted the mandate to improve relations with the Host Community by utilizing efficient communication with both the Host Communities and authorities, thereby reducing or eliminating disruptions during contract execution. The community becomes an important stakeholder as we bridge the gap between our company and the community.

One advantage that gives our company a good image in the community is our ability to communicate with the indigenous peoples of such communities, establishing concrete relationships, and organize mini-projects that provide employees with a sense of pride and confidence in knowing that their company gives back to the community. We have met with several orphanages, needy systems, and the general community over the years. Initiatives like this have improved our company’s image in the eyes of potential clients. It is for this reason that we have maintained these Public Relations, while we work to build relationships to help us maintain our good name in the community.

As part of our community strategy, we make it a point to employ community members in various aspects of our operations. Host communities are given first priority when it comes to providing services or receiving subcontracts within their purview. The use of skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labor directly benefits the effectiveness of the Nigerian Content strategy.


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